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We Prepare
All Students
For Success

School Info

Lorem Ipsum

Decorative Mountain Image - Over the Hero

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Latest News

Stay Informed

Parent Post

Parent Post

A weekly newsletter from PJMS.

Parent Post

Spring/Second Semester

January 6 - 10 February 3 - 7 March 3 - 7 April 7 - 11 May 5 - 9
January 13 - 17 February 10 - 14 March 10 - 14 April 21 - 25 May 12 - 16
January 20 - 24 February 17 - 21 March 17 - 20 April 14 - 18 May 19 - 23
January 27 - 31 February 24 - 28 March 24 - 28 April 28 - May 2  
    March 31 - April 4    

Fall/First Semester

August 12 - 16 September 2 - 6 October 7 - 11 November 4 - 8 December 2 - 6
August 19-23 September 9-13 October 14 - 18 November 11 - 16 December 9 - 13
August  26-30 September 16-20 October 21 - 25 November 18 - 22 December 16 - 20
  September 23-27 October 28 - November 1 November 25 - 29 Happy Holidays
  September 30 - October 4      
PJMS Bus Pass

PJMS Bus Pass

Please use this bus pass form to request a bus pass.

Requests must be completed before 1:30 PM.

PJMS Bus Pass

Please use this bus pass form to request a bus pass.

Requests must be completed before 1:30 PM.



Upcoming MSBSD Event

Coming Up


Open to: 7th and 8th Grade Girls
Tryouts: January 6, 7, 8

NOTE: 7th grade girls will be ready for their rides at 4:25.

Required before tryouts:

Big Teams registration
current sports physical (within last 18 months)
Sports Fee $100.00

Required Equipment/Clothing:

* kneepads
* athletic shoes
* athletic shorts or pants (no jeans)
* athletic shirt (no tank tops)
* athletic socks
* water bottle filled with water
AWESOME volleyball attitude

NOTE: Jewelry is not worn during competitions. We practice like we play. Jewelry is not worn during practice.

Athletic Eligibility
1. Students must maintain A, B, C, or D grades to be eligible to compete.
2. Student athletes who are ineligible may practice (at the coach's discretion), but may not compete until eligibility is re-established.
3. Students must attend all classes on competition days.
4. Practices are closed and are for athletes, managers, and coaches only. Siblings and friends of players are not to remain on school grounds after school unless otherwise chaperoned by a PJM staff member.

Read More about 🏐 TBA JV/V Girls Volleyball Practice TBA

Open to: 7th and 8th Grade Girls
Tryouts: January 6, 7, 8

NOTE: 7th grade girls will be ready for their rides at 4:25.

Required before tryouts:

Big Teams registration
current sports physical (within last 18 months)
Sports Fee $100.00

Required Equipment/Clothing:

* kneepads
* athletic shoes
* athletic shorts or pants (no jeans)
* athletic shirt (no tank tops)
* athletic socks
* water bottle filled with water
AWESOME volleyball attitude

NOTE: Jewelry is not worn during competitions. We practice like we play. Jewelry is not worn during practice.

Athletic Eligibility
1. Students must maintain A, B, C, or D grades to be eligible to compete.
2. Student athletes who are ineligible may practice (at the coach's discretion), but may not compete until eligibility is re-established.
3. Students must attend all classes on competition days.
4. Practices are closed and are for athletes, managers, and coaches only. Siblings and friends of players are not to remain on school grounds after school unless otherwise chaperoned by a PJM staff member.

Read More about 🏐 JV/V Girls Volleyball Practice
  • Stewardship
  • Accountability
  • Empathy
  • Quality
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Collaboration

Our Schedule

School Start & Close

Monday: School starts at 9:00 AM
Tuesday-Friday: School starts at 8:00 AM
All Days: School ends at 2:30 PM

    Please use this BUS PASS form to request a bus pass. Requests must be completed before 1:30 PM.


Our Vision & Mission

Mission & Beliefs


VISION: Mat-Su Borough School District will be a model of excellence in teaching, learning, and engaging all students.

MISSION: Mat-Su Borough School District prepares all students for success.


Our Goals & Beliefs

Mission & Beliefs

  • GOALS: Improve student success, achievement, and performance.
  • Develop excellent educators and leaders.
  • Use innovative practices to improve the education system.
  • Include families and community members in the education of our students.
  • Promote safe and healthy environments for all.
  • BELIEFS: We believe that the needs and best interests of students drive all decisions.
  • All students can and want to learn.
  • Educational choices and community participation are essential to student success.


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