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Sports Calender 2023-2024 Season


Things to Note as a Parent/Guardian:

  • Game/Event times will be provided ASAP.
  • Busses are scheduled to leave PJMS at ~1:30pm.
  • Return buses are only provided for out of district games. (ACS and Grace are located in Anchorage)
  • PJMS asks that you are on REMIND for your athletes' sport. 


Athletic Eligibility

1. Students must maintain A, B, C, or D grades to be eligible to compete.
2. Student athletes who are ineligible may practice (at the coach's discretion), but may not compete until eligibility is re-established.
3. Students must attend all classes on competition days.
4. Practices are closed and are for athletes, managers, and coaches only. Siblings and friends of players are not to remain on school grounds after school unless otherwise chaperoned by a PJM staff member.